
We all do our best to make sense of how to live and love well, and to make the most of the gifts that life brings us. Sometimes this can be a very difficult challenge. We can become overwhelmed by negative thoughts and painful feelings, feel stuck in a cycle of behaviours and outcomes that we don’t know how to change. All our best intentions and hopes and dreams can seem out of reach and unattainable. It might feel impossible to make sense of this on our own, but we don’t want to talk to friends and family, either because we don’t want to burden them, or we fear they will not be able to understand or help. When this happens, reaching out for the support of a psychotherapist can be transformative and bring the relief we need.

I am experienced in working with clients who struggle with issues such as anxiety, motivation, depression, complex trauma, bereavement and chronic illness. I help people to understand and integrate past experiences and unconscious beliefs, so that they can make truly here and now decisions. We develop a warmly attuned and dynamic relationship to safely explore how to change in order to create a happier, more satisfying life.

I believe that understanding the cultural and environmental context of our personal lives and relationships is really important. This is why I have developed an ecological approach to psychotherapy. Our thoughts and feelings about ourselves are strongly influenced by what we learn from every aspect of what is around us, some positive, some negative. Recognising what we can and can’t control, what we are and are not responsible for both historically and currently, helps us to find the courage to be truly ourselves, to take risks, and to live and love more fully.

The natural world has an important part to play in our lives that nurtures our sense of belonging and well-being. I am very fortunate to be based in a beautiful rural location, where clients can choose to meet me indoors or outdoors. I have an indoor practice at the Natural Healing Centre in Cardigan, which has light filled rooms overlooking the rooftops to the trees and the sky beyond. My outdoor practice is in the woods at Ffynnon Dawel, where I have lived and worked in partnership for many years.  

My specialist psychotherapy training is in Transactional Analysis and Ecological TA.  I enjoy working with individual adults and teenagers, couples and family groups, and I am qualified to offer psychotherapy to trainees working towards CTA and UKCP registration. Some of my clients work with me for several years, some for a few months, depending on the outcome they are seeking to achieve.